• Urbanism and Planning

    Urbanism and Planning

    Terre.it LTD
  • Architecture and Infrastructure

    Architecture and Infrastructure

    Terre.it LTD
  • Ecology, Environment and Soil Protection

    Ecology, Environment and Soil Protection

    Terre.it LTD
  • Cultural Heritage and Archeology

    Cultural Heritage and Archeology

    Terre.it LTD
  • Economy and Local Development

    Economy and Local Development

    Terre.it LTD
  • Management


    Terre.it LTD


Terre.it LTD was created, upon the proposal of the Full Professor Massimo Sargolino of the University of Camerino, with the intention of providing new products and services on behalf of public and private bodies involved in city government and the territory, or assistance and advice in the areas of actions connected with planning and design of environment and landscape, with the assessment of plans and programs, with analysis and study of natural and cultural resources, and landscape more generally. The interdisciplinary approach, due to the sharing of knowledge and different skills related to the faculties of Architecture and Science and Technology of the University of Camerino, characterizes the work of this company. Researchers from the University of Camerino have for years engaged in landscape and environment based research, planning and design, and in the urban and territorial project , with many shared experiences of conceptual and operating applications at different levels (european, national , regional and locval). They wanted greatly start a spin-off which tends to support scientifically some young graduates to carry out activities aimed at protection, enhancement and transformation of urban and territorial landscape, by providing to competent public bodies, the interdisciplinary support that they really need. The main objective of Terre.it is to encourage ((through a young, agile, interdisciplinary and supple operating structure, able to establish positive contacts with stakeholders, achieve scale economies and exposing itself to a greater risk / income) the proper interpretation and practical application of the rules of the European Landscape Convention and regulations to which it inspired or related, considering it a reference tool of sustainable development policies and promote the area and its resources systems, to be connected and harmonize with the criteria and principles already outlined in other European documents. Currently the company (structured and formalized as Engineering Company) is composed of researchers and professors( senior) who help, through coordination activities and scientific orientation, young graduates (junior), whose education comes from different disciplines present in the courses offered by UNICAM.

VAT Registration: 01985220449 - Share Capital €. 20.000,00
Tel./Fax: 0733/1870104 - E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - pec: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Administrative headquarters:
    Sarnano (MC)
    62028 - largo Decio Filipponi n°30/a, Palazzo Costa
    Tel. 0733/1870018 - Fax 0733/1870104
  • Headquarters (Tuscany):
    Lucca - 55100 - Sant'Angelo in Campo
    Via Sarzanese n°457
    Tel. 0583/515957 - Fax 0733/658488